World Climate Change

Factors affecting climate change around the world

CSC196v - Final Project

Climate change is one of the most important issue the world is facing right now.

This visualization provides us with top countries which produces the highest proportions of harmful gases in the atmosphere. The slider value represents year and for each selected year data is populated in three different chart ( World Map, BarChart and Pie Charts ).

The world map shows the counties which emits the maximum number of CO2, NO2, greenhouse gases in the air.

The pie, bar chart shows the top 8 counties around the world which emits highest amount of dangerous gases in the atmosphere. We have use the color encoding to represent different countries and exact value emitted by the counties is also shown next to the country name.

Select Dataset
Select Year: 1992

Comparing Data between two countries

The line chart shows comparison of the increasing and decreasing trend for any two countries compared on a 'percentage population growth' basis. Years can be selected from 1960-2015

% of electricity generated from different resources from year 2006 to 2017

This visualization provides information about the percentage of electricity generated from different resources from the year 2006 to 2017.

Ending Summary

Things Learned

  • World Map Rendering
  • Scaling world map
  • Added legends for the map and used proper color coding
  • Introducing animation. Displaying yearly changes in smooth transition from year 1992 - 2012 and showing yearly data for harmful gases across the globe.
  • Working with different charts ( Pie, Line, Bar )

The data source:

Created by

  • Rutvik Patel
  • Suraj Rawat
  • Gaurav Bora